
このWEBサイト「MEME MACHINE」はヤギでありアーティストのながいやぎと谷崎太守(タニザキタイシュ)が中心となって運営しています。

This website "MEME MACHINE" is run mainly by goats and artists Nagai Yagi and Tanizaki Taishu(Taishu means male goat in Hebrew).




インスタレーションアート『これはカフェではない(cesi n'est pas un Café)』を山羊ノ谷にて展開(毎週土曜日 12:00~19:00)しています。半蔵門線・清澄白河駅A3出口に一番近い商店街が”山羊ノ谷”入り口のヒントです。

■ Development of art installation

The installation art "This is not a cafe (cesi n'est pas un Café)" is being developed in Goatnotani (every Saturday from 12:00 to 19:00). The shopping street closest to the A3 exit of Kiyosumi Shirakawa Station on the Hanzomon Line is a hint for the entrance to "Goat Valley".


ブランド『lalangue comme ritournelle(ララングコムリトルネロ)』をパーマネントコレクションとしてデザイン中です。ヤギ活に必要なスワッグなアイテムをスローペースで発表予定。デザインはあくまでも軒先で行う”裏深川系ファッション”の異端ヤギメゾン。そしてアザゼルの山羊。

■ Management of fashion maison label

We are designing the brand "lalangue comme ritournelle" as a permanent collection. We plan to announce swag items necessary for goat activities at a slow pace. The design is a maison  of heretical goats in Ura Fukagawa fashion that is done at the eaves.And the goat of Azazel.


トークイベント『POP-UP LAB #Meme Saturday Swag』を軒先ゼミという形式で毎週土曜日 14:00〜16:00頃に行っております。東京写真と散歩のワークショップ『ニュー日和下駄』を行っています(参加は要予約)。美容師が得意なハサミを縫針に持ち替え、裁縫に挑むワークショップ『鋏と針』を開催(不定期)。

■ Planning and holding of events and workshops

A talk event "POP-UP LAB #Meme Saturday Swag" is held every Saturday from 14:00 to 16:00 in the form of an eaves seminar. We are holding a workshop "New Hiyori Geta" for Tokyo photography and walking (reservation required for participation). Held a workshop "Scissors and Needles" where hairdressers change their favorite scissors to sewing needles and challenge sewing (irregular).



■ Free consultation on mental counseling and fortune-telling

We offer free mental counseling by goats. For those who like fortune-telling, it is also possible to incorporate reading using tarot cards. We can also provide advice for families with dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Experience the inexhaustible and unbiased counseling and psychotherapy of goats released in the wilderness (reservation required).



Copyright© MEME MACHINE , 2025 All Rights Reserved.